Search Results for "Girl"


Boutique Physique Fetish 1 - PDF

Boutique Physique Fetish 1
Price: 6.00
(Story by DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

An exotically beautiful Asian Amazon with a compact gymnast's body and steel hard frame, a towering Ebony Goddess with long, lean, powerful muscles flowing all over her statuesque physique, and none other than an increasingly iconic buxom blond bombshell with the unreal beauty to match her unrivaled muscle packed body. Each of them dressed in barely-there string bikinis, which showed off virtually every inch of their super fit frames to those around watching and cheering them on, doing so at a fever pitch as they came to the end of their first initiation task, bringing them one step forward to officially joining this very select Sorority House. Their hard, fit, tight and muscle packed bodies popping, bursting and breaking apart a series of extremely durable foods items, doing so in a race against the clock, to see if they could accomplish their task in their previously discussed time limit. A task that consisted of each of these buff beauties destroying an assortment of watermelons, rock melons, apples, and other hard-skinned produce; doing so with their rock-hard bodies, in very specific ways. The crushing of apples in such muscular girl's flexing arms seemed all too common these days, which is why these girls here had to do so within their thick, pulsating pecs. Shoving the biggest, firmest, hardest looking apples their future Sisters could find into their beefy breasts, and with suddenly savage squeezes crushing them all to pieces, sending rivers of sweet tasting apple juice flowing down their rippling cleavage and into washboard abs.

Asian Amazon gymnast body steel hard frame Ebony Goddess powerful muscles statuesque physique iconic buxom blond bombshell string bikinis super fit frames Sorority House muscle packed bodies durable foods items time limit watermelons rock melons apples hard-skinned produce muscular girl's flexing arms pecs beefy breasts savage squeezes apple juice rippling cleavage washboard abs

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Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1 - PDF

Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy stepped out of the doorway, her massive, half-naked, golden tan body rippling with muscles. She was dressed in her favorite 'little schoolgirl' uniform, an outfit that left little to the imagination. Small black schoolgirl shoes adorned her feet, as white socks wrapped their way up her huge calves (barely able to cover their diamond hard shape). A way too-tight schoolgirl blouse was tied just below her chest, almost unable to contain her breasts. Her visible washboard abs, rippling with muscle, flexed as she softly breathed in and out. Around her waist was a tiny skirt that barely covered her massive tree trunk thighs. Teddy bear panties were visible underneath the skirt, starting to get slightly damp with arousal. Her face was made up to look young: rosy cheeks and a brilliant white smile. Her always-present pigtails hung from either side of her head, and bounced as she strode over to the man behind the desk.

Amy stepped out doorway massive half-naked golden tan body rippling muscles dressed favorite little schoolgirl uniform outfit imagination small black schoolgirl shoes adorned feet white socks wrapped huge calves diamond hard shape way too-tight schoolgirl blouse tied below chest unable contain breasts visible washboard abs flexed softly breathed waist tiny skirt barely covered massive tree trunk thighs teddy bear panties visible underneath skirt slightly damp arousal face made up look young rosy cheeks brilliant white smile always-present pigtails hung either side head bounced strode man behind desk

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Flexy Romance - PDF

Flexy Romance
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnold Ziffel @arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk @tanyk)

She was a blonde. A blonde to make blind man blink. You could almost hear the creaking of fabric strained against all the stiffening cocks. It was not just a bunch of the dudes; some of the girls got all nippily and excited around her, too. It was like she was royal, the uber-babe of all babes, and her fans were bowing before her. With a rather apologetic smile, she re-stacked her heavy textbook pile on one steel ingot of a forearm. Shoulders worthy of a fullback were exposed in her sleeveless, short-waisted hoodie. It left her taut stomach half exposed, flat as concrete and apparently just as hard. She had thickly cabled columns of bulging muscle shapes on teardrop thighs that could squeeze me into the next life, petite knees and then calves that must have been 20 inches if they did not snap the tape wrapped around them. The quintessential hottie. This could be the one I hadd been looking for. 'Are you okay, Trish?' an XXXL beef-o-saurus yelled, glaring at me like a German Shepherd on guard duty.

blonde blind creaking fabric cocks dudes girls nippily excited royal uber-babe fans bowing heavy textbook steel ingot fullback sleeveless hoodie taut stomach concrete hard muscle thighs petite knees calves hottie looking Trish beef-o-saurus German Shepherd guard duty

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The Interview - PDF

The Interview
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: ZGannero)

I am undefeated, she smiled, Against the other girls and guys. You wrestle guys? I inquired. Sure. Why not? It is good competition. She paused for a moment. A wry smile appeared on her face. Do you find that strange or intriguing? she asked, raising her eyebrow for emphasis.

undefeated smiled girls guys wrestle competition strange intriguing eyebrow

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Rough sex at the gym part 2 - PDF

Rough sex at the gym part 2
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk)

A fitness girl throws caution to the winds and makes a chalenge. Her feeble punches did nothing. Then the beating began. Punches to her face, a full nelson that almost killed her, and then her head was pounded into the ground. This was brutality expressed in anger, with a side order of brain damage.

fitness girl caution winds challenge feeble punches beating face full nelson killed head pounded ground brutality anger side order brain damage

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Too big - PDF

Too big
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie, Artwork: Robolord and Diana the Valkyrie)

Elaine has a problem - she's too big. Not fat, but big. Her ambition is to join the college football team. Not a "girls team", but THE team. That's how she meets Jeremy, who is much too small for the team, and both of their lives are changed. They both fall in love. Her first date with him went very well, but for her second date, she needs a really posh dress, which she doesn't have. And she can't buy one, because she's ... too big. She visits a dressmaker who takes her remarkable measurements, and gets a quote for $600. She raises the cash by challenging, and defeating, one of the football team, at wrestling. So she can pay for new new dress, and the second date with Jeremy goes well, and ends with a powerful display of what it's like for Jeremy to have sex with a girl who is ten times as strong as he is.

Elaine problem big fat ambition college football team girls team Jeremy small lives changed love first date second date posh dress dressmaker measurements quote cash challenging defeating wrestling new dress powerful display sex ten times as strong

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Pizza Girl part two - PDF

Pizza Girl part two
Price: 8.00

Revenge is a dish best served brass monkeys, unlike pizza. So, the next time I see Eric, I use my Pizzagirl power to step on the pedals and catch up with him. I silently approach from behind, and blast him with my compressed air powered horn, sounding at 130 decibels just like a 56 ton 18 wheel truck mere inches behind him. He was suitably startled, swerved, wobbled, wobbled some more and went down, making a very satisfactory scrunching sound as he hit the deck. "Good morning, Eric," I called out merrily as I sailed past. Karma soon caught up with me - it started raining. Cats and dogs. So I reacted the way I always do - I got wet. But the pizza was safely tucked away in my insulated pannier, and I was able to deliver it, still hot. I stood there looking like a drowned kitten while the customer fetched some bread, which wetness I believe contributed to the handsome tip he gave me. Another contribution might have been the way that my wet shirt clung to my thrupenny bits. I'll take whatever I can get, except getting stiffed.

Revenge dish brass monkeys pizza Eric Pizzagirl power pedals compressed air horn decibels truck startled swerved wobbled scrunching sound Karma raining wet insulated pannier hot drowned kitten customer bread handsome tip wet shirt thrupenny bits stiffed

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Pizza Girl part one - PDF

Pizza Girl part one
Price: 8.00

Yes. I deliver pizza. Because someone has to, and I need a job. With the economy how it is post-Brexit (I still don't understand how we got conned into that) well-paying jobs are as rare as hen's teeth. So I'm a pizza delivery girl. And I'm Pizzagirl because a weird accident happened with the pizza microwave plus pineapple plus anchovies, which should normally never come in contact, let alone on top of pizza. Superman came from Krypton, Batman came from Gotham City, Wonder Woman came from Themyscira. I come from Neasden in London. Superman has superpowers because he's Kryptonese, Batman because he spends a lot of money on gadgets, Wonder Woman because she's an Amazon. Me? See above - the accident. Superman, Batman and WW all have secret identities, so when the accident happened, I realised I needed one. Because superheroes don't get paid. Can you imagine? Superman swoops down and saves a falling woman and then invoices her for $600. Wonder Woman worked part time at Taco Whiz and takes home minimum wage. No chance. So for my secret identity, I put on a pair of plain glass spectacles, because apparently that's all you need. But to be totally sure of secrecy, I also wore my hair in a ponytail instead of the falling locks that Pizzagirl wears.

pizza delivery job economy Brexit Pizzagirl accident microwave pineapple anchovies Superman Batman Wonder Woman Neasden London superpowers gadgets Amazon secret identities superheroes glass spectacles ponytail

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Amy's Conquest 3 redux - PDF

Amy's Conquest 3 redux
Price: 8.00

Amy's Conquest 3 Redux Amy dons her classic schoolgirl uniform and wrestles guys as a summer job. Later backstage, the sexy teenage Amazon ravishes a man in the shower and 2 in the locker room.

Amy's Conquest 3 Redux schoolgirl uniform wrestles guys summer job backstage sexy teenage Amazon ravishes man shower locker room.

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Babette the boxer - PDF

Babette the boxer
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

Babette is a very pretty and very tall girl. At six feet seven inches, she towers above most men. But what she has in inches, she lacks in brainpower. When she leave college, she gets a couple of low-paid jobs, until she accidentally find that she has a talent for boxing, because she has small, hard fists and a very long reach. Babette can smack a man in the head long before he can reach any part of her. She meets Marty, who acts as her manager, and supervises her training, including building up her muscles. The story culminates with a boxing match against Victor, who gets totaly destroyed in a very short time.

Babette pretty tall girl six feet seven inches towers men inches brainpower college low-paid jobs accidentally talent boxing small hard fists long reach smack head manager supervises training building up muscles story culminates boxing match Victor destroyed short time.

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